of Delay In cheque bouncing cases
When can be Condoned:
Ø Date of receipt of information from Bank is excluded to
count the period of thirty days.
2008 Cri.L.J.
1246 Case referred : (2006) 9 SCC 340 (2005) 4 SCC 417
Ø 13 Days delay
in filing complaint
supported by affidavit,
Huge amount involved , expressed difficulties.
1545 Case referred :1998 Cri.L.J.906(A.P)
Ø Period of one
month for filing
complaint from date
immediately following the
date on which period of 15 days from date of receipt of notice by drawee
2005 Cri.L.J.
1095 Case referred: AIR 1999 SC 1090 Saket India Ltd. vs. India Securities Ltd.AIR
1999 SC 1609 Sil Import U.S.A. Vs.Exim Aides Silk Exporters
Ø The day when cause of action arises would excluded and
last day included, on being holiday then the next coming day will be counted.
2004 Cri.L.J.
2636 Case referred: 1999 Cri.L.J. 1822 SC Saket India Ltd. vs.India Securities
Ltd.1999 Cri.L.J. 2276 SC Sil Import U.S.A. Vs.Exim Aides Silk Exporters
Ø Burden lies on the complainant to satisfy by sufficient
cause to condone the extensive period for filing a complaint.
(NOC) 947 GAU.
Ø Application for recalling order is pending before the
Sessions Court. Amended provision to
condone delay in
filing complaint would
be applicable when case was still pending.
2006 Cri.L.J.
193 Case referred :AIR 1999 SC 1090 AIR 1981 SC 1106
Ø Date mentioned by bank about dishonour of cheque is to be
excluded for counting period of limitation.
2009 Cri.L.J.
1434 Case referred 1999 Cri.L.J. 1822.AIR
1972 SC 1293
Ø Payee has right to sent cheque to bank in number of times
he pleases during period of its validity. Limitation period start to run from
date of last dishonour.
2009 Cri.L.J. 154 Case
referred: 1995 Cri.L.J. 1384 (Kerala) (F.B.) AIR 1998 SC 3043 SC 2000 Cri.L.J.
2921 All
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